PureMVCTemplate is Now Available!
AGENDA: Microarchitectures are groups of design patterns prepared to work together in concert. PureMVC is a leading framework for Flash and Flex projects. PureMVC is a light framework for creating applications based on the class Model-View-Controller meta designpattern. It has a very narrow goal, to provide design patterns AND development patterns to help you separate your programming into three distinct areas; data, user interface, and the application logic. It is approachable and powerful with minimal tedium and repetition in development.
RMC created a fantastic Flex Project Template that is now freely available. Use it to start your next project to start with best practices in mind and jump start production. Please give me comments (good and bad) here on the blog. I’ll update the file posted here for any major revisions.
- Download Documentation & Source Code PureMVCTemplate1.2.zip