My Next Online-Only, Anytime Course is Here!

TOPIC: PureMVC & Flex RMI Online, On-Demand, Anytime Course Available!

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October 4th – 7th: I Teach "Architectin’ RIA’s w/ PureMVC" @ Adobe Max & FITC Unconference

TARGET FORMAT (Duration): Conference Presentation (30 Minutes – Wow, Fast!!!)

FITC Unconference at Adobe MAX: Please join FITC on October 4-7 in Los Angeles for Adobe MAX 2009. The Unconference is a free ad-on to MAX and is a way for attendees to convene in a casual setting to share ideas as well as host their own discussion groups.

  • Sponsor Influxis wants to you sit back, relax and enjoy the presentations. So stop by the FITC unconference room and enjoy a free beer on them…that’s right we said it – FREE beer.
  • Anyone with a MAX badge can attend!. Along with some cool FITC presentations, this room also encourages all to join us in open discussions, suggesting topics, creating agendas and participating in engaging Q & A.

TWO TALKS: I’ll be giving a talk on both the The Invisible Instrument project of mine and as well as this talk below too!

AGENDA OF MY TALK: Architect new projects of all sizes in a more scalable and maintainable way with the free & powerful PureMVC Framework. Revisit projects and easily add new features. Collaborate on teams with confidence.

PureMVC is a light framework for creating applications based on the class Model-View-Controller meta design pattern. It has a very narrow goal, to provide design patterns AND development patterns to help you separate your programming into three distinct areas; data, user interface, and the application logic. It is approachable and powerful with minimal tedium and repetition in development. While the examples shown will be specific to Adobe Flex 3 for deployment to the browser, this session is equally relevant for application developers of other technologies including Adobe Flex 3 for Adobe AIR desktop deployment.

AUDIENCE: Intermediate to advanced Adobe Flash CS4 and Adobe Flex 3 developers with equivalent ActionScript 3.0 knowledge. This is not for beginner developers or for designers; its pretty technical. Laptops are not required. Attendees will have another tool in their belt for organizing readable, efficient, maintainable projects. All source code and documentation will be available to attendees.


October 22nd, 2009 : I will Unveil 'Invisible Instrument' @ Mindshare LA

TARGET FORMAT (Duration): Rapid Conference Presentation (10 Minutes)

MINDSHARE: I discovered Mindshare and will never be the same. Meeting on the third Thursday of every month you can rebreak your brain – opening up new possibilities. I’m now going to be a featured speaking, October 22nd, 2009.

  • If Noah’s Ark had an open bar, it would be more like Mindshare…
  • If World Leaders held pajama parties, it would be more like Mindshare….
  • If Jamba Juice made smoothies from books, it would be more like Mindshare…

AGENDA OF MY TALK: The theremin is an electronic musical instrument controlled without contact from the player. Russian inventor, Professor Léon Theremin, patented it in 1928 before unfortunate dealings with the KGB. Music historians hold the instrument as the birth of electronic music. It continues to be used today – especially in avante-garde rock. In this rapid conference session we’ll look at the mechanics of this important instrument and discuss the ‘Invisible Instrument’ project which I developed which recreates the interactivity of the original instrument online using a webcam and gesture recognition technology. The session will conclude with a live demonstration of the curious virtual instrument.

TAKE-AWAY: Attendees will become familiar with the history and usage of the Theramin musical instrument and inspired by the journey of a small team recreating an old invention with new technology.


August 2009 : My "Augmented Reality" Article Published on Adobe EDGE!

DESCRIPTION: I wrote a new article for the latest Adobe EDGE magazine. Augmented reality (AR) is a field of computer science that involves combining the physical world and an interactive, three-dimensional virtual world. Let’s take a look at augmented reality, its current uses, and its future potential. Then we’ll dig in and see how to apply this exciting technology using Adobe Flash CS4 Professional, Adobe Flash Player 10, and a webcam.

AUDIENCE: Intermediate to advanced Adobe Flash CS3 and Adobe Flex 4 developers or anyone interested in cool new technology.